The Coming of Jesus

Ark of Grace Ministries

Ark of Grace Ministries

Amanda & Chris Grace

Amanda Grace and her husband, Chris, founded Ark of Grace Ministries. This unique ministry is called to walk out the commission in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” We minister to all of God’s creation, both people and animals.

We prophetically minister, teach, and break down the living and active Word of God by examining its Hebrew and Greek roots and the time it was written to understand the proper context of the Scriptures and apply them to life. We firmly believe in bringing people closer to Almighty God, their Creator, through His son Jesus Christ, the only way to the Father. There truly is freedom in knowing Christ!

Another way we minister at Ark of Grace Ministries is through our animal sanctuary, where we take in lost, abandoned, and disabled animals and show them the love of God. The Lord loves His Creation, and we must also show them God’s love. Amanda also takes care of her husband, Chris, who sustained a traumatic brain injury in January 2019 and miraculously survived.

They have both experienced and understand the incredible power of Almighty God and how he redeems! Through their testimony, biblical teaching, the prophetic, and life lessons of caring for the residents of their animal sanctuary, they teach others how the Lord can move in every circumstance of life.

Visit us @ Ark of Grace Ministries and learn about our current times. Today!

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Ark of Grace Ministries: Take the time to listen below

For I, the Lord, this day am letting you know, My children, I am in control and in charge of the host of angels that have been dispersed all over the Earth to protect and avenge you in this hour. I am moving My hand, and My angel armies have been at war in the heavens against principalities, powers, and rulers of the air. That war has been raging, and you didn’t even know about it. It brought down those strongholds that have been propping up your enemies for centuries.

For I, the Lord, this day, am bigger than your enemies and any plans they have come up with. I have created this Earth, and I will not allow them to take it over and destroy it. They don’t have that kind of power even though they think they do. Soon they will realize who they are up against. They are no match for Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

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